The following chapter headings trace a route through my life. I shall follow this route, or not, as the mood takes me and as the tale unfolds. It is just a run-through of consecutive periods in my life, with opportunities to talk about important events, other lives, hobbies etc..
This is My Life
1. My First Home — a Brewery completed in 2003
2. On the Streets where I lived completed in 2003
3. To School in knee-pants
4. The Goole Grammar School … World War II
5. My First Job … counting the pennies
6. Off to War … too late!
7. A Student Engineer
8. Colleges and Varsity
9. Armaments Research in the ‘hops County’
10. On the boat to Kenya
11. Africa and Marriage
12. Techs, and Polytechs.
13. Sierra Leone University.
14. University of Waikato, New Zealand
15. Computing experiences
16. My children
17. My life as Dean
18. Visits to America (and other study-leaves)
19. My various mathematical interests
20. On the writing of books
21. Retirement and Life after it
22. Death of my wife
23. Fibonacci Mathematics
24. My Musical Life
25. My grandchildren
26. Tale of two postcards